4 Tips to Keep Customers Coming Back for More


Customers buying a computerNot that long ago, there was much talk about the certain demise of brick-and-mortar retail. There is no denying that traditional retail has taken a hit; nevertheless, the majority of shoppers continue to prefer shopping in stores versus online.

The State of Brick & Mortar Retail Report from ServiceChannel details several factors that keep customers coming back for more and what makes them one-and-done shoppers to your store. Since 86% of consumers make more than half of their purchases in physical stores, it’s important to understand what they consider important.

Some of the most important factors that impact customer loyalty may not be related to price or value for money spent. Instead, they relate to the entire experience your store delivers.

The Customer Experience

As shoppers, we are keenly aware of the difference between a great customer experience and a poor one. Only 18% of customers believe that brands are delivering outstanding experiences in their stores. Add to that the revelation that 70% of shoppers reported having at least one negative experience in the past six months while in a retail store, and you can see there is work to be done.

Understanding the elements that go into creating the right environment and the best customer experience allows you to prioritize your efforts and activities more effectively. Here are some helpful suggestions that are outlined in the report.

1. Create a Shoppable Store

While paying attention to the bells and whistles involved in the ideal customer experience is important, one primary element is to create a shoppable environment. One of the most important advantages of a physical store over online shopping is the ability of customers to look, touch, and try out a product. Some studies indicate at least 56% shop in-store for that very reason.

Are you prepared to deliver what they want? For example, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you have enough demo PCs available?
  • Are products easy to access? 
  • Are PCs marked with specs, top features or benefits, and price?
  • Do you have enough inventory of the latest devices and peripherals? 
  • Do you have an adequate number of sales staff on the floor?

Hopefully, you answered yes to each of the questions above. It must be easy for customers to shop in your store, particularly if you want them to come back for future purchases.

2. Avoid Bad Customer Experiences

The customer experience encompasses a wide range of factors that influence attitudes both positively and negatively. Everything from store décor, lighting, and cleanliness, to staff interactions and availability of products can have an impact on the way in which your store is perceived by your customers.

One bad experience can have a cascading effect on your sales and profitability. Here are a few examples:

  • Negative word-of-mouth comments can discourage others from visiting your store. About half of those responding to the survey indicated that they would tell a friend about a negative experience in a retail store.
  • Dissatisfied customers are less likely to return to your store and will likely spend less if they do. According to the report, 52% of shoppers will leave a store without making a purchase after a negative experience and 69% percent indicated they would be less likely to return for any future purchases.
  • The ripple effect of negative experiences also extends to the brand or store name in other locations. About 41% said they would be less likely to shop at any store with the same brand name after a bad experience. Worse yet, 69% said they would be more likely to shop at a competitor's retail location.

3. Implement the Right Technologies

In addition to the PCs and tech products you offer, customers expect your store to provide basic tech that makes the shopping experience easier. This can include:

  • Free Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Product lookup kiosks
  • Mobile app integration
  • Mobile payment options

4. Deliver the Right Information to Your Customers

Your sales associates are a valuable asset in establishing your store as a vital part of your community and a pleasant place to shop. Ensure your team has the training they need to create a positive experience for your customers. They should be armed with the information customers require to make an informed decision about the best PC for their needs. Doing so can pay off in improved perceptions of your store, positive word-of-mouth advertising, brand loyalty, and more sales.

It All Starts with Preparedness

If your store and employees aren’t prepared, chances are you will have more than your fair share of one-and-done shoppers. Take the necessary steps to make your location the place to go for the latest PCs and tech products.

The Intel® Retail Edge Program offers real advantages for your store and your sales associates. By participating in the Program, your sales team can acquire in-depth knowledge and information about Intel® technology, so they’ll be better prepared to deliver the best experiences that keep customers coming back for more.


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